Chapter 4ext:xinclude in XSLT

SInclude ships with a Saxon extension function to perform XInclude processing from XSLT: ext:xinclude.

To use it, bind the ext prefix (or any prefix you prefer) to the

To make the function available within Saxon, make sure that the SInclude jar file is on your class path and then use the Saxon -init option to register the function: -init:com.nwalsh.xslt.Register. (This step allows the extension function to work in Saxon-HE.)

Call the function, for example in xsl:sequence:

  |<xsl:sequence select="ext:xinclude(., map { 'fixup-xml-base': false(),
  |                                            'trim-text': true() })"/>

Three boolean options are supported:


To enable xml:base fixup.


To enable xml:lang fixup.


If the trim-text option is true, when a text inclusion is performed, leading and trailing whitespace will be trimmed off of each line.

The amount of leading whitespace trimmed will be adjusted so that the least-indented line is flush left. All trailing whitespace is removed.